Inoshita T, *Kawaguchi SY (2025). Increased reluctant vesicles underlie synaptic depression by GPR55 in axon terminals of cerebellar Purkinje cells. eLife Reviewed Preprint DOI:
Higashi R, Morita M,*Kawaguchi SY (2024). Cl--dependent amplification of excitatory synaptic potentials at distal dendrites revealed by voltage imaging. Science Advances 10, eadj2547. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj2547
Furukawa K, Inoshita T, *Kawaguchi SY (2024). Graded control of Purkinje cell outputs by cAMP through opposing actions on axonal action potential and transmitter release. The Journal of Physiology in press. doi: 10.1113/JP286668.
[preprint] Inoshita T, *Kawaguchi SY (2024). Increased reluctant vesicles underlie synaptic depression by GPR55 in axon terminals of cerebellar Purkinje cells. bioRxiv 2024.11.25.625205 DOI:
*Trigo FF, *Kawaguchi SY (2023). Analogue signaling of somato-dendritic synaptic activity to axon enhances GABA release in young cerebellar molecular layer interneurons. eLife 12, e85971 DOI:
[preprint] Morita M, Higashi R,*Kawaguchi SY (2023). Cl--dependent amplification of excitatory synaptic potentials at distal dendrites revealed by voltage imaging. bioRxiv 2023.05.29.542696 DOI:
[preprint] Furukawa K, Inoshita T,*Kawaguchi SY (2023). Timing Control of Purkinje Cell Outputs by Dual cAMP Actions on Axonal Action Potential and Transmitter Release. bioRxiv 2023.09.14.557678 DOI:
Gomez L, Kawaguchi SY., Collin T, Jalil A, del Pilar Gomez M, Nasi E, Marty A and *Llano I (2020). Influence of spatially segregated IP3-producing pathways on spike generation and transmitter release in Purkinje cell axons. PNAS 117, 11097-11108
*Trigo FF, *Kawaguchi SY. (2019). Editorial: Control of Presynaptic Function by Axonal Dynamics. Front Cell Neurosci. 13:543.
*Kawaguchi S. (2019). Dynamic Factors for Transmitter Release at Small Presynaptic Boutons Revealed by Direct Patch-Clamp Recordings. Front Cell Neurosci. 13:269.
Yamashita M, Kawaguchi S, *Hori T, and *Takahashi T (2018). Vesicular GABA uptake can be rate-limiting for recovery of IPSCs from synaptic depression. Cell Rep., 22, 3134-3141.
Merkurjev D, Hong WT, Iida K, Goldie BJ, Yamaguti H, Oomoto I, Ohara T, Kawaguchi S, Hirano T, Martin KC, Pellegrini M, *Wang DO (2018). Synaptic m6A Epitranscriptome Reveals Functional Partitioning of Localized Transcripts for Dynamic Tripartite Synapse Modulation. Nat. Neurosci., 21, 1004-1014.
*Kawaguchi S and Sakaba T (2017). Fast Ca2+ buffer-dependent reliable but plastic transmission at small CNS synapses revealed by direct bouton recording. Cell Rep., 21, 3338-3345.
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*Hirano T and Kawaguchi S. (2014). Regulation and functional roles of rebound potentiation at cerebellar stellate cell-Purkinje cell synapses. Front Cell Neurosci. 8, 42.
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